The Frame
The Frame

The Frame

Click play and enjoy as you read.

the little things you forget x frum here
the little things you forget x frum here
August 14, 2021 4:19 am

Lots of sleepless nights this week but I have managed to organize and streamline most of my business. I can't wait to share all of this knowledge via my e-learning course.

Sign up for the soft launch discount here.

August 15, 2021 3:03 am

Are you interested in a free Notion template? Click the link below and duplicate. Template includes 5 preloaded gifs and template blocks.


If you want to support, buy me a coffee.

August 15, 2021 11:44 am

Authorship Opportunity

Click the link to learn more

Overview: Writing a research brief/short communication focused on Adverse. Childhood Events of Black children assimilating in non-black spaces.

August 24, 2021 9:39pm

Artist Spotlight: Dvn Fllr

Song: Serotonin

Cover art created by Reframe Consulting
